Friday, November 18, 2011

I'm Not That Kind of Girl

My second client is a 92 year old man. He's very hard of hearing, old school Italian and a fervent walker. He has Alzheimer's and is incredibly confused--especially in the evenings.

It's a symptom known as sun-downing and it's very sad to witness.

My client is constantly searching for his room. Although the layout of the floor is simple (it's a giant square) he still has trouble getting back to his room.

And so he wanders from room to room searching for his belongings.

This pisses all of the residents off.

Especially a woman I'll call Rita who is 96 and still incredibly independent. No taller than 4'10 she is adorable and spunky with a fiery attitude.

My client who I'll call John is slowly making his way down the hall peeking in and out of each person's room trying to determine if the room is his.

I'm sitting at another table with one of the other residents watching this happen.

Finally John makes it down to Rita's room and calls from the door, "Are you open for business?"

Rita is also very hard of hearing so she doesn't hear him, doesn't reply and when John hears nothing he walks into the room as if he lives there.

Moments later a very flustered Rita chases him out of her room, shooing him down the hallway.

"I'M NOT THAT KIND OF GIRL!!" she screams after him.

It takes everything in me not to laugh and I walk after John to help him to his room.

God bless these people.

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